politicwise - politics meets personal development
Leadership traps: what not to do

Leadership traps: what not to do

What not to do is often a better guide than what to do

This podcast episode discusses leadership traps and what not to do as a leader. Often, what not to do is a better guide for action than what to do. There are four leadership traps to avoid: the advice trap, the distrust trap, the one-dimensional trap, and the either-or trap.

Key takeaways

  • Instead of focusing on what to do as a leader, consider what not to do.

  • Avoid falling into the advice trap by not giving advice too frequently and disempowering others.

  • Avoid ignoring the signs of distrust and not taking relationship building seriously enough.

  • Avoid being fixed in your thinking 'this is how and who I am and how I lead'.

  • Avoid being pushed to an easy either/or choice where more creative both/and-thinking is called for.

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politicwise - politics meets personal development
politicwise is where politics meets personal development.
It’s for those who want to make a difference in the world out there, while working on themselves: being the change they want to see. It’s for learners, beginners, the open-minded.
I bring together an eclectic mix of political leaders, scientists and change-makers to discuss the daily challenges of political leadership and the mindsets, tools and routines to thrive in politics.